Failure is an orphan; success has a million parents

Now that Romney has become the official Republican candidate for President, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is claiming he was the first governor to endorse Mitt Romney. Ha! He was beaten to the punch by Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman and Idaho Gov. Butch Otter — by about four months.

Bite me, Chris.

PolitiFact New Jersey | Chris Christie claims he was the first governor to endorse Mitt Romney.

Paul Ryan: Objectivist Catholic

In 2005, Paul Ryan was an devotee of Ayn Rand: “I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are and what my beliefs are. It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff. . . . the reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand. And the fight we are in here, make no mistake about it, is a fight of individualism versus collectivism.”

But in 2012, he seems to have converted to Catholicism: “I reject her philosophy. It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas, don’t give me Ayn Rand.”

via Is Paul Ryan for or against Ayn Rand? – and National Review

Twelve Chicago school principals and assistant principals accused of lying to get their own kids free lunches

“Twelve Chicago Public Schools principals and assistant principals have been removed from their positions for allegedly falsifying forms for free and reduced lunches for their own children, the school district and Inspector General’s office announced in a joint statement this morning.”

It ain’t just Wall Street types who cheat to get ahead.

12 CPS officials accused of lying to get their kids lunches –

Romney may have perjured himself on Bain documents

Mitt Romney has repeatedly claimed that he was gone from Bain Capital when it sent jobs overseas.

But documents filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission have now come to light showing that Romney was in charge of Bain from 1999 to 2001, a period in which the company outsourced jobs and ran companies that fell into bankruptcy.

Romney has tried to distance himself from this period in Bain’s history, saying on financial disclosure forms he had no active role in Bain as of February 1999.

But at least three times since then, Bain listed Romney as the company’s “controlling person,” as well as its “sole shareholder, sole director, chief executive officer and president.” And one of those documents — as late as February 2001 — lists Romney’s “principal occupation” as Bain’s managing director.

But serial liar Romney has now gone on TV claiming that Obama is the one distorting the truth.

Oh Mitt, just bite me already.

Adapted from Bain Capital documents conflict with Mitt Romney’s narrative on his role, outsourcing |

Joel Tenenbaum, music pirate and big fat whiner, hit with six-figure judgment

“I can’t believe the system would uphold a six-figure damages amount for downloading 30 songs on a file-sharing system that everybody used,” Tenenbaum said. “I can’t believe the court would uphold something that ludicrous.”

  • Tanenbaum used KaZaa, Limewire and Napster
  • He downloaded over 800 songs
  • He was sharing over 800 songs
  • He lied about it under oath
  • The maximum statutory damages was $4.5 million
  • He could have settled the case for $3,500

Tenenbaum can Bite Me. And the Oshkosh Northwestern newspaper can Bite Me, too, for calling damages in a civil suit a “fine.”

via Court won’t reduce Boston University student Joel Tenenbaum’s music download fine | The Oshkosh Northwestern |

Tenenbaum takes the stand: I used P2P and lied about it

Huffington Post

Christie flips then he flops

Back in 2010, NJ Gov. Chris Christie campaigned for anti-union demagogue Scott Walker, traveling the country “touting his plan to take on New Jersey’s public employee unions by reining in pension and health benefit costs.”

But Christie changed his tune in March 2011, blaming “liberals in the media” for pointing to similarities in the way New Jersey and Wisconsin tackled public-sector unions, and said contracts should be negotiated through collective bargaining.

Now Christie is traveling to Wisconsin to campaign for Walker in Green Bay and Milwaukee. “There was never a doubt that Walker was going to be no-nonsense when he got into the governor’s office,” Christie’s right-hand man Mike DuHaime said to the Star-Ledger. “He was not going to just be a wallflower. He was going to make chances for what he thought was right. Just like Gov. Christie, he was going to grab problems by the throat and not let go.”

Chris Christie, the most mendacious governor in the history of New Jersey, can Bite Me.

Christie to campaign for controversial Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker |

When it comes to the Constitution, conservatives have less integrity than a $2 whore

Andrew Cohen writes in the Atlantic: “Congress has no constitutional authority to punish people who don’t want to have health insurance, Paul Clement argued last week before the United States Supreme Court. This week? The heralded attorney is arguing, to another panel of federal judges, that Congress has plenty of constitutional authority to punish people who don’t want to marry someone of the opposite sex. Last week, Clement defended states’ rights and labeled as ‘unprecedented’ the federal health care policy. This week, he says that Congress can dictate terms of a federal marriage policy over the objections of states which have legalized same-sex marriage.”

Altogether now: “Bite Me!” And our apologies to $2 whores everywhere for the unwarranted comparison to conservative attorney Paul Clement.

via The Losing Argument for the Defense of Marriage Act – Andrew Cohen – National – The Atlantic.