Is Originalism Bullshit? by Michael L. Smith

While not all instances of originalism are bullshit, I identify those instances which are, and go on to demonstrate that originalism is uniquely prone to bullshit as a result of institutional demands on those involved in constitutional disputes. When interpreters engage in historical analysis for purposes other than determining the correct original public meaning or original intentions, they veer into bullshit territory. An attorney who argues from selective historical research or citations designed to support his client’s case or a judge who relies on what she suspects may be incomplete party submissions but which are enough to reach the desired outcome are both engaging in bullshit originalism.

Source: Is Originalism Bullshit? by Michael L. Smith :: SSRN

Hat-tip to Lowering the Bar

Donald Trump Didn’t Speak To Striking Autoworkers | HuffPost Latest News

The media got played!

The former president did speak at Drake Enterprises, a small non-union company outside Detroit, where he repeatedly bashed union leadership and argued United Auto Workers members had their priorities backward.

Among the outlets that got it wrong:

  • Politico
  • ABC News
  • The New York Times
  • NPR
  • AP
  • Washington Post
  • CBS Detroit

Source: Donald Trump Didn’t Speak To Striking Autoworkers | HuffPost Latest News

Target Removes Some LGBTQ Merchandise From Stores

Target is removing certain items from its stores and making other changes to its LGBTQ merchandise nationwide ahead of Pride month, after an intense backlash from some customers including violent confrontations with its workers.

Target Chairman Fred Tarjay said, “If you want LGBTQ merch back in our stores, you’ll just have to man up and assault some of our employees.”

Source: Target Removes Some LGBTQ Merchandise From Stores | HuffPost Latest News

Send for the Burn Unit!

Andrew Tate tweeted:

Hello @GretaThunberg

I have 33 cars.

My Bugatti has a w16 8.0L quad turbo.

My TWO Ferrari 812 competizione have 6.5L v12s.

This is just the start.

Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.

Greta Thunberg tweeted back:

yes, please do enlighten me. email me at

Source: Greta Thunberg Tweets At Troll | HuffPost Latest News

Clark Rockefeller has returned and got elected to Congress under the alias “George Santos.”

We thought that Clark Rockefeller was safely under lock and key at
San Quentin State Prison but he had us fooled. For the last few years he’s been gallivanting around Queens and Nassau County doing who-knows-what. But in 2020, he ran for Congress under his George Santos moniker, losing to incumbent Tom Suozzi. Two years later, Santos knocked off  Democratic candidate Robert Zimmerman by a healthy 54.1% to 45.9% margin.

Here at BiteMe, we predict great things for freshman Congressman Rockefeller in the Republican-majority 118th Congress. Go get ’em, Clark!

Source: Republican Rep.-Elect George Santos May Have Falsified His Employment, Educational, Philanthropic History, Report Finds

The Supreme Court Will Consider A ‘Dangerous’ Theory That Could Break American Democracy

Moore v. Harper involves a bizarre legal gambit known as the independent state legislature theory. It argues that the Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution provides state legislatures the sole authority to set the “time, place, and manner” of federal elections.

Its adoption would place legislatures outside of the purview of state constitutions, effectively ending state court judicial review of election laws or congressional district maps.

. . .

The case comes before the court following more than a decade of attempts by North Carolina Republicans to draw hyper-partisan congressional maps following the decennial census in both 2010 and 2020.

. . .

The [independent state legislature ] theory arose in the controversial 2000 Bush v. Gore case when then-Chief Justice William Rehnquist endorsed it in a concurrence joined by then-Justice Antonin Scalia and current Justice Clarence Thomas. It reemerged in force in the fall of 2020 when Republicans in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin used it to argue for the Supreme Court to block election law changes adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The court declined to do so, but Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Thomas all showed an interest in either accepting the theory or hearing a case on it. North Carolina’s challenge presented that opportunity and these four justices took up the case, even though the North Carolina legislature specifically authorized the state supreme court to adjudicate gerrymandering disputes in exactly the manner they now wish to invalidate.

Ha! The Bitemaster heartily supports North Carolina in this case. If the Supreme Court agrees, states like New York would be able to produce congressional maps that more fairly represent the feelings of its citizens and award all the state’s 26 congressional seats to deserving Democrats. It would be a great victory, indeed.

Source: The Supreme Court Will Consider A ‘Dangerous’ Theory That Could Break American Democracy | HuffPost Latest News

House Dems on GOP’s thin majority: Welcome to hell

. . . [T]he House GOP will have to steer legislation through with as few as four votes to spare while its leaders deal with an emboldened Freedom Caucus, internal finger-pointing over a disappointing midterm cycle, and a looming brawl over a 2024 presidential primary that features Donald Trump back in the mix.

“I don’t lie awake at night worrying about the bad legislation they are going to pass. Because I don’t think they’re going to pass it,” said Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.).

Awaiting the outcome of just one true toss-up race, Republicans will have a majority of either four or five — giving McCarthy the sparest of margins of any other Congress at the start of its term since 1931. Not to mention that he’s already vowed to do away with Pelosi-era proxy voting, making every potential absence a new challenge.

Do away with proxy voting? His view on that is sure to “evolve.”

As Democrats prepare their retreat into the minority, many are less-than-fondly recalling their own two years of vote-wrangling and floor delays while wishing their GOP colleagues luck.

“It was wonderful,” quipped Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.), a member of Pelosi’s whip team who remembered countless after-midnight phone calls this Congress to lock down votes for many of his party’s huge bills. “That was a regular routine, as a matter of fact.”

Source: House Dems on GOP’s thin majority: Welcome to hell – POLITICO

Progressives retract Ukraine letter to Biden after uproar | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — A group of progressive Democrats in Congress said Tuesday it had retracted a letter to the White House urging President Joe Biden to engage in direct diplomatic talks with Russia after it triggered an uproar among Democrats and raised questions about the strength of the party’s support for Ukraine.

In a statement, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the chair of the Progressive Caucus, said the caucus was withdrawing the letter it sent less than 24 hours prior. It was signed by 30 members of the party’s liberal flank.

“The letter was drafted several months ago, but unfortunately was released by staff without vetting,” the Washington Democrat wrote in a statement. As chair of the caucus, Jayapal said she took responsibility for this.

So what Jayapal is saying is:

  1. This wasn’t a final version of the letter. [What would she have changed?]
  2. It was mistakenly released by a staffer. [Why did it take 24 hours for Jayapal to withdraw it?]
  3. She takes responsibility. [Jayapal is an idiot.]

On the other hand, Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) has backbone:

“I have voted for arms to Ukraine and will continue to support providing arms to Ukraine to stand up against Putin’s brutal aggression.

“At the same time, it’s my obligation to make sure we are mitigating the risk of nuclear war, that we are making sure that the conflict doesn’t escalate and that we are working toward a negotiated settlement that will be a just peace. That is the framework of the letter.”

Source: Progressives retract Ukraine letter to Biden after uproar | AP News

American test scores prompt ‘a moment of truth’ for schools – POLITICO

American student test scores plunged by historic levels during the coronavirus pandemic, prompting soul-searching among education figures to chart a future path for the country’s schools.

Ha! Nobody wants a “future path.”

Right wingers want Bible, 10 Commandments, and Jesus in school. Also vouchers, charter schools, and home schooling. Some even want to eliminate the indoctrinating public schools altogether.

Liberals want drag queens, books about unconventional families, transgender bathrooms, sex ed, Black history, Holocaust studies, Pride flags and diversity education.

It’s not going to get better any time soon.

Source: American test scores prompt ‘a moment of truth’ for schools – POLITICO