More hate ads in the NYC subway system

‘New York City’s resident Islamophobe is back with yet another anti-Islam subway ad. Pamela Geller‘s latest features a photo of the World Trade Center exploding in flames next to a quote from the Quran that reads, “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers.” ‘

Just Bite Me, aleady.

Anti-Islam Subway Ads By Pamela Geller Feature Exploding World Trade Center, Quote From The Quran PHOTO.

How Unleaded Gas Cut Crime And Made Us All Safer

Building on the work of economist Rick Nevin, Mother Jones blogger Kevin Drum discusses the relationship between the drop in environmental lead from the reduction in the use of Tetraethyllead in fuel, and the reduction in crime.

I was always suspicious of Rudy Giuliani’s success in reducing crime in cities across the United States. The lead-reduction hypothesis may explain how he did it.

How Unleaded Gas Cut Crime And Made Us All Safer.

Google gets away with skewing search results

The Federal Trade Commission investigated whether Google is trying to hurt its rivals by highlighting its own services at the top of its search results. Their conclusion . . .

“Though the FTC admitted that Google highlights its own services in its results, the agency argued that the internet giant was doing so to provide a better experience for users, not to purposefully put competitors at a disadvantage.”

via Banking Icon Taken Down By Tax Evasion: Seven And A Half Things To Know.

Tea Party activists, sick of crazy right-wingers in Congress, seeking even CRAZIER right-wingers to run against them

“. . . conservative activists irate at Republicans who voted to raise some taxes without cutting spending are casting about for opponents to Republicans including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and senators Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee.”

via Fiscal Cliff: Republican Primaries Eyed By Conservatives After Deal.