Judith Faulkner, CEO of Epic Systems can Bite Me

The New York Times has an article on the digitizing of medical records. Goodness knows we need that (one doctor lost my complete paper file — oops!). Since there are a number of players (i.e., companies) in the field, The Times says, “All of those companies’ varying systems have raised concerns about usability, especially when different systems must share information. Some wonder if the government should play a bigger role in creating uniform technical standards and designs across systems.”

But Judith Faulkner, CEO of Epic Sytems, one of the oldest and largest players, says, “So far the advisory committees that I am on have been wise in figuring out the right balance between what should be left to the vendors as they listen to their customers and what should be prescribed by the government.”

I had some medical tests done and the results were sent to one of my doctors. I was in her office when she brought up the report on her computer, wrote down some numbers on a piece of paper and then typed them into her program. She then sent a report to another doctor. Later, I was in his office when he brought the report up on his computer, wrote down some numbers on a piece of paper and typed them into his program.

I think it’s time for some standardization here. And if Faulkner doesn’t like it, she can BITE ME.

Daily News blows it big time

The NY Daily News ran a provocative headline, “Ethnic book ban in Arizona school district includes all books about Mexican-American history, even Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ “ which wildly distorted the story. As far as I can tell, the Arizona legislature enacted a law limiting certain kinds of school curricula. The state Superintendent of Public Instruction ruled that the local district wasn’t in compliance with the law. The district then appealed and lost before an administrative law judge. As a result, the local school board had to act or lose a big chunk of their state ed funding.

If you’re interested, ignore the Daily News’ crap and read the ALJ’s ruling. While you’re at it, note that he says that the Tucson Mexican-American Studies program had no written curriculum (Findings 23, 28, et al.) and was highly politicized.

For more documents, see the Tuscon Unified School District website.

Rick Perry, Bill Maher and CNN’s Dana Loesch all defend peeing Marines

Where oh where to start? That peeing on corpses is bad? That desecration is prohibited by God? That only an asshole would photograph it? That only an asshole who wants to undermine our national security would post it on YouTube?

I can even understand that soldiers who’ve been ducking bullets and skirting IEDs might try such a boneheaded stunt. But what kind of jerk would go and publicly defend it? A jerk like Rick Perry (but you knew he’s a jerk); a jerk like Bill Maher (everyone knows he’s a jerk); or Dana Loesch (she’s a fox, but she’s still a jerk).

$800 for a night at Lenox Hill Hospital? Not likely.

Several papers reported on the recent birth of Beyonce and Jay-Z’s daughter at Lenox Hill Hospital. Some stories said that the couple had paid up to $1.3 million to take over a part of the hospital and kept other parents out of the maternity ward for hours at a time. After the scandal broke, Lenox Hill said that anyone can use the executive maternity suite for $800 a night. Only $800 a night? I don’t think so. Just check out the Daily News article about ripoff hospital billing.