Nobody bites quite like Newt bites

Newt complains that he was “Romney boated” in Iowa. Do you remember him defending John Kerry when he was smeared by John O’Neill and his swift boat compadres? Neither do I. So, Newt, BITE ME!

A whole bunch of Republican conservatives have been on the warpath against Federal judges but it was ever clever Newt who said that Congress doesn’t have to pay the electric bill for judges it disagrees with. BITE ME!

Santorum says no such thing as global warming

On the Glenn Beck show, Rick Santorum laid out his position:

BECK: What about global warming?

SANTORUM: There is no such thing as global warming. It is, in my opinion, there are hundreds of factors that cause the earth to warm and cool, and the trace gas – of which human participation in this trace gas – is . . .

BECK: This could seal the deal for me. Whatever, I got enough.


Hello from BiteMe Central

For months I’d been thinking of starting a blog to complain about all the stupid things people do and say, but I never got around to it . . . until I saw this article where the amazingly stupid Sarah Palin criticized the Obamas’ Christmas card for not emphasizing the traditional Christmas values of “family, faith and freedom.” If she had complained about the absence of Jesus, well OK. Even though Obama is president of the whole country, not just the Christians. But the lack of “freedom” in a Christmas card? BITE ME!