It’s worse than we thought: Bloomberg police force has been infiltrating liberal political groups

According to the Huff Post: “Undercover NYPD officers attended meetings of liberal political organizations and kept intelligence files on activists who planned protests around the country, according to interviews and documents that show how police have used counterterrorism tactics to monitor even lawful activities.”

This is just whack. The CIA does domestic surveillance, the FBI does domestic surveillance, the NSA does domestic surveillance, too. But that’s not enough domestic surveillance for Bloomberg. He’s got to do his own damn domestic surveillance. Oh, just Bite Me.

via NYPD Infiltrated Liberal Political Groups, According To New Documents.

New counterterrorism guidelines are like Google’s privacy policy, only creepier

“The Obama administration has approved guidelines that allow counterterrorism officials to lengthen the period of time they retain information about U.S. residents, even if they have no known connection to terrorism. . . .

“The new guidelines, which were approved Thursday by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., have been in the works for more than a year, officials said.”

New counterterrorism guidelines permit data on U.S. citizens to be held longer – The Washington Post.

Chief of F.B.I. Newark Bureau Decries Police Monitoring of Muslims

“Michael B. Ward, the special agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Newark office, said on Wednesday that the New York surveillance tactics were not an effective form of intelligence gathering and, in effect, were harming the fight against terrorism by fomenting distrust among New Jersey’s Muslims.”

via Chief of F.B.I. Newark Bureau Decries Police Monitoring of Muslims –

Efraim Halevy, Ex-Mossad Director, Says Romney is Making the Iran Situation Worse

Efraim Halevy, former head of Israel’s Mossad and of Israel’s National Security Council, says that Romney’s telegraphing of his plans for Iran has made things worse for Israel.

“I think people have to be extremely careful with the way they speak,” Halevy said. “I don’t have any bones about who wins the election, but what Romney has done is a serious problem here. It causes serious issues here.”

Nice job, Mitt. Bite Me!

Iran Crisis: Efraim Halevy, Ex-Mossad Director, Says Romney Op-Ed ‘Making The Situation Worse’.

Sen. Rand Paul ‘detained’ by TSA for refusing full-body pat-down, dad tweets – NY Daily News

If the libertarian scion doesn’t want to get patted down, that’s fine by me. I think there ought to be two lines at the airport: “Libertarian” and “El Al security.” Passengers could choose which line they want to go on and airlines could choose which line or lines they wish to service. Most of the time, I’d choose the El Al security line, but if I were late, or wanted a thrill, or was feeling depressed, I might choose to go with the Libertarians..