Right wingnut has no Obamacare, turns to online fundraising to cover medical bills

Former Arizona county sheriff Richard Mack, who apparently chose not to pay for health insurance and hates Obamacare, has suffered a heart attack and can’t pay his medical bills.

He’s a well-known wingnut (he founded the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association) who believes that “the States do not have to take or support or pay for Obamacare or anything else from Washington DC. The States are not subject to federal direction.”

To help out, his son has started a GoFundMe campaign to solicit donations to cover the medical bills.

What’s noteworthy is that liberals have been contributing and leaving snarky comments like this one from Matt Fleming:

We’re contributing to your own public health care fund from the money our family has saved from enrolling in Obamacare this year. Politics aside, we’re praying for your family and hoping for a full recovery for all of you.

The Bitemaster is highly amused and is thinking of following in Matt’s footsteps by donating a few of his hard-earned meticals to Mack the Idiot.

Sheriff’s Life on the Line by Jimmy Mack – GoFundMe.

Looking Up Symptoms Online? These Companies Are Tracking You.

In April 2014, Tim Libert, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, custom-built software called webXray to analyze the top 50 search results for nearly 2,000 common diseases (over 80,000 pages total). He found the results startling: a full 91 percent of the pages made what are known as third-party requests to outside companies. That means when you search for “cold sores,” for instance, and click the highly ranked “Cold Sores Topic Overview WebMD” link, the website is passing your request for information about the disease along to one or more (and often many, many more) other corporations.

Looking Up Symptoms Online? These Companies Are Tracking You | Motherboard.

De Blasio kisses right-wing rabbi’s hand, capitulates on regulation of dangerous circumcision method

Some right-wing Jewish groups practice metzitzah b’peh (MBP), the oral sucking of the blood from the baby’s penis, by the mouth of the ritual circumcisor.

The problem with the practice is that, if the circumcisor has herpes, it can be transmitted to the baby. Babies infected this way can — and have — suffered brain damage and death.

Regulating the practice is difficult because of the secretive and insular nature of the groups that practice it. But De Blasio has decided against even trying, allegedly because of the political support he has received from the groups that practice MBP.

As for kissing the rabbi’s hand, that’s not a figure of speech, De Blasio really did it.

NB: Most other circumcisions are perfectly sanitary and pose no risk.

De Blasio Ends Informed Consent Requirement For Dangerous Haredi Circumcision Rite – FailedMessiah.com.

If you die at NY Presbyterian Hospital, your family will get to see it on TV!

NY Presbyterian is offering a new service to families of people who die in their facility. Thanks to recent technological advances, a family can now watch their loved one’s death throes on television. No DVD player is needed because it will be shown on regular broadcast TV.

‘I saw my husband die’: TV show featuring Dr. Oz broadcast patient’s death without permission.

Dr. Keith Ablow stands by his diagnosis of President Obama

Ablow, a noted Fox News commentator, has doubled down on his armchair diagnosis of the inner life of the President.

As a medical professional it is readily apparent that a President who tours the world apologizing for America, who was part of a church in which the pastor preached “God damn America!” and who admonished American entrepreneurs that they did not build their own businesses is a President who has issues with the nation of which he is President.

Not being medical professionals, we can’t say whether Ablow’s diagnosis is correct, but we can say that he stands in the august company of Ralph Ginzburg, who revealed that 1189 psychiatrists had diagnosed Barry Goldwater as psychologically unfit to be President.

If we had to choose between Ablow’s one-man diagnosis and the opinion of 1189 shrinks, we’d go with the latter.

Fox Doc: Quit Calling Me A ‘Narcissist’ For My ‘Psychiatric Analysis’ Of Obama!.

The Bitemaster speaks out about Ebola

When it comes to the major issues of the day, you can trust the Bitemaster to have opinions. Here are his observations about the Ebola virus:

  1. The Republicans will continue to say stupid things
  2. There ARE no protocols
  3. Nurses routinely ignore protocols anyway
  4. The CDC is a bunch of scientists and are not skilled at responding to emergencies
  5. Where the hell has the Public Health Service and Surgeon General been?
  6. Prohibiting people from affected countries from coming here – at least for a while – is a good idea
  7. An Ebola “czar” is a stupid idea – it just multiplies the bureaucrats

The CDC, the Public Health Service, and the Surgeon General are all part of the Department of Health and Human Services. Ron Klain, Obama’s new “Ebola response coordinator” (Ebola czar), reports to Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco and National Security Advisor Susan Rice. Both are part of the Executive Office of the President. In other words, the President has cut out Sylvia Mathews Burwell, his Secretary of Health and Human Services. Presumably, the Prez has no confidence in Burwell’s ability to get the job done and has put in apparatchik Klain as his new “take charge” guy. I think it would have been better to shake up HHS, rather than add another layer of bureaucracy.

Michael Brown of FEMA and EPA head Christie Todd Whitman assure America that Ebola is not a serious risk to U.S.

Actually, it was Tom Frieden, Director of the CDC, who said, “We remain confident that Ebola is not a significant public health threat to the United States.”

So why should I trust him?

CDC head assures Ebola not serious risk to U.S., Obama mulls ‘czar’ while nurse patients moved out of Dallas – NY Daily News.

CDC Director all mealy-mouthed about Ebola

When CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden if the recent Ebola patient in Dallas should have been tested for Ebola on his first visit to the hospital, and if he should have been asked about his recent travel history, Frieden got vague and evasive:

“That’s one of the things we’ll be looking at,” Frieden said. “But we’re reiterating the message for every health worker in this country — think about travel history. If someone’s been in West Africa within 21 days and they’ve got a fever, immediately isolate them and get them tested for Ebola.”

Gupta then asked Frieden to explain guidance the CDC has issued on that and again asked: “Should this person have been tested?”
“We weren’t there so I can’t tell you exactly what that person said…” Frieden responded.

Gupta interjected, “You’re advising public health departments. Last time I was here (at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta) there was a call with many primary care doctors to educate them on this exact issue. That was a couple of months ago. Should this person have been tested?”

Frieden answered, “We know that in busy emergency departments all over the country, people may not ask travel histories. I don’t know if that was done here. But we need to make sure that it is done going forward.”

Texas Ebola patient came into contact with children – CNN.com.