Don’t think the Republicans have a gender problem? Listen to Karen Hughes, Former Top George W. Bush Adviser

“And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue,” she wrote. “The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of ‘legitimate rape.'”


via Karen Hughes, Former Bush Adviser: If Another Republican Man Talks Rape, I’ll ‘Cut Out His Tongue’.

Romney’s Disastrous GOTV Endeavor

According to this article, Romney’s GOTV (codenamed Project ORCA) was an unmitigated failure — poor planning. crashing website, poor design, late operation, poor user instructions, no protection against DDOS, jammed phone lines, etc.

The article says “The bitter irony of this entire endeavor was that a supposedly small government candidate gutted the local structure of GOTV efforts in favor of a centralized, faceless organization in a far off place (in this case, their Boston headquarters).”


via Romney’s Disastrous Project ORCA – Business Insider.

Chris Christie is a blowhard — but sometimes he’s OUR blowhard

Here, Christie stands up for a Muslim judge. Good for him. (Thanks to MrMild for this.)

Governor Christie Talks About Superior Court Judge Sohail Mohammed – YouTube.

At the risk of becoming a Christie fansite, we’ll also point out that Christie was asked what went wrong for Romney on election day. He answered: “He didn’t get enough votes.”

Republican finger-pointing begins

Every political observer has known for years that Hispanic voters tend to be socially conservative and therefore potential recruits for the Republican party. Instead, Republican leaders in recent years have pursued a program of “throw the wetbacks out.”

That misguided policy contributed to two Obama victories and has made it unlikely that the GOP can recover in the future — because the country is poised to have more Hispanics and fewer old white men.

Have Republican leaders responded by changing course? Well, sort of. Erick Erickson, founder of, a conservative blog, admits “Frankly, the fastest-growing demographic in America isn’t going to vote for a party that sounds like that party hates brown people.”

Good start. But who does he blame? Apparently Erickson believes it’s Mitt Romney’s fault that the Republican approach to Hispanic voters was “atrocious.”

Pretty funny. If Republican voters in all those primary states hadn’t demanded a presidential candidate who was tough like Joe Arpaio, Romney would have been happy to duck the whole immigration mess.

In other words, it’s their own damn fault.

via Republican Reckoning Begins After Revealing Defeat.

Obama wins mandate, Republicans react

Seeing Obama swept to a 3-2 rout in the Electoral College, Republicans are reacting:

Karl Rove said, “They fucking stole it from us. Once this thing gets to the Supreme Court, you’ll see that we had it in the bag all along.”

Paul Ryan said, “That pussy Al Gore couldn’t even take his home state.”

Mitch McConnell  said, “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for Obama to be a two-term president.”

Richard Mourdock criticized the President’s victory, saying, “Barack Hussein Obama violated the mercy rule by crushing us. I’m really annoyed by his lack of bipartisanship.”

Donald Trump whined, “This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!”

Today’s quiz: Which of the above quotes is real?

Really icky

The official NYC website invites people who want to help victims of Hurricane Sandy to go to the official NYC Service website. From there, you’re invited to donate through the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, which is also hosted on the official NYC.GOV website. So what is the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City. It’s an independent 501(c)3 charity, the majority of whose Board of Directors is beholden to guess which Mayor?

Here is the list of Directors:
Patricia E. Harris, Chair
Nanette Smith, Secretary
Anthony Crowell
John Feinblatt
Dennis Walcott


All major disasters are the fault of gay people

You’d think this is an article from the Onion, but it’s not. It’s _The Guardian_ and they have compiled a handy list of all the bad things that are the fault of gay people.

Here at BITEME.ME, we believe that AIDS is God’s punishment for homosexuality. But we also believe that anti-retroviral drugs are God’s reward for homosexuality.

Superstorm Sandy and many more disasters that have been blamed on the gay community | World news | The Guardian.

Republican congressman Paul Broun and the Lysenkoization of America

According to Georgia Congressman Paul Broun, a member of the House Committee on Science and Technology, evolution, the Big Bang theory and embryology are ‘lies straight from the pit of hell.’

No wonder science education in the US sucks.

Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories | World news |