Romney surrogate tries to recapture women voters by making fun of women

“Presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s new foreign policy spokesperson Richard Grenell has an odd penchant for targeting the wives of male politicians and women in general on Twitter.

“Grenell, who served as George W. Bush’s spokesperson at the UN and was announced as the Romney campaign’s new representative yesterday, has gone after Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Callista Gingrich, Sandra Fluke and others. He also asserted that President Obama’s children should be fair game for political debate. . . . This afternoon, Grennell offered an apology, of sorts, for his attacks, writing, ‘my tweets were written to be tongue-in-cheek and humorous but I can now see how they can also be hurtful. I didn’t mean them that way and will remove them from twitter. . . .’ ”

Mr. H.O. Hell says, “At least he realizes he’d been a dick.”

New Romney Spokesman Used Twitter For Sexist Attacks.

Ted Nugent plays the victim card and the Commie card

Ted Nugent, Mitt Romney’s most prominent surrogate, used to be a pretty good guitar player but he’s no longer playing with a full deck. At the NRA convention he said “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” When questioned, he portrayed himself as somehow endangered (“I’m a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally.”), rather than his being a threat to the President.

And then, presaging the Republican fall playbook, he added, “Saul Alinsky. This is the Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ playbook. The Nazis and the Klan hate me.” Entertainment – More Nugent: I’m ‘a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally’.

Gingrich is preferred by voters who oppose interracial marriage

I understand how you could rig this: ask voters if they worship Karl Marx. Then ask who they prefer for president, and write a headline that says “Karl Marx worshipers prefer Candidate Bob by 23.2%.”

But that’s not what happened here. Public Policy Polling polled voters in Alabama and Mississippi and found that 21% of Alabama Republicans believe interracial marriage should still be illegal; the number in Mississippi was higher, 29% desiring it to still be illegal.

So how important is this to Gingrich?

In Mississippi, 40% of the anti-interracial voters prefer Gingrich. That works out to 12% of the voters who prefer Gingrich AND are anti-interracial marriage (.4 x .29). Among all voters, Gingrich is currently polling at 33% in Mississippi. That means that over 36% of Gingrich’s Mississippi support comes from people who think interracial marriage should still be illegal (.12/.33). Ouch!

Which isn’t to say that Romney doesn’t get any support from that bloc, but his number is much lower: 25%.

Somebody should ask the Newt where he stands on interracial marriage . . .

Poll: Obama is a Muslim to many GOP voters in Alabama, Mississippi –

Romney spins. Santorum spins. But the Bitemaster explains it all to you.

Romney says he’s got it all locked up. Santorum says Romney is a big fat fibber. (Romney, Santorum camps at odds over delegate math – CNN Political Ticker – Blogs.)

The New York Times shows the delegate count but doesn’t explain the implications.

But the Bitemaster explains the math:

  • Total delegates: 2287
  • Romney has about 415
  • All other candidates have about 330
  • Total delegates committed (total of Romney and others): about 745
  • Delegates remaining (total delegates minus committed delegates): about 1542

To win the convention on the first ballot, you need a majority of the total delegates

  • Delegates needed to win: 1144

Assume Romney wins just half the remaining delegates

  • Half the remaining 1542 delegates is 771
  • Add Romney’s 415 delegates
  • Which comes to 1186 delegates
  • Which is more than the 1144 needed to win the convention on the first ballot
  • QED

Here’s the delegate count from the New York Times: RepublicanDelegateCount-20120308
Current NY Times delegate count:

Romney unveils new slogan; Santorum unveils new whine

Mitt’s new slogan, “more jobs, less debt, smaller government,” veers away from social issues while also positioning him for a run against Obama. I propose that Obama respond with “Saving Medicare and Social Security.”

Rick Santorum is bitter about Romney’s far better financed campaign outspending him in Ohio. Nevertheless, Rick said hopefully: “Money’s not going to buy this election.” I just don’t get it. Doesn’t Rick believe that rich people earned their dough by their hard work and smarts? So shouldn’t they be able to spend it however they want? Or is Rick coming out in favor of campaign spending limits? I think he just isn’t praying hard enough.

via In Ohio, |

Efraim Halevy, Ex-Mossad Director, Says Romney is Making the Iran Situation Worse

Efraim Halevy, former head of Israel’s Mossad and of Israel’s National Security Council, says that Romney’s telegraphing of his plans for Iran has made things worse for Israel.

“I think people have to be extremely careful with the way they speak,” Halevy said. “I don’t have any bones about who wins the election, but what Romney has done is a serious problem here. It causes serious issues here.”

Nice job, Mitt. Bite Me!

Iran Crisis: Efraim Halevy, Ex-Mossad Director, Says Romney Op-Ed ‘Making The Situation Worse’.

Mitt Romney: ‘I’m not willing to light my hair on fire’

Mitt says he’s “not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support.” In the current GOP field, where the debates sounded like an episode of Springer, not lighting your hair on fire is now a sign of great wisdom and prudence.

via Mitt Romney: ‘I’m not willing to light my hair on fire’ –

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