At Catholic Mercy General Hospital: No contraceptives but lots of sexy sexy

Cardiac sugeon’s assistant Ani Chopourian claims she was continuously sexually harassed at Mercy General Hospital in Sacramento.

Chopourian complained to human resources at least 18 times. She was “slapped on the backside and grabbed repeatedly, sometimes in front of supervisors. When I said, ‘Do something,’ they would laugh.” Chopourian eventually documented the abuse and mailed the complaint to HR. A week later, she was fired.

A jury awarded her $168 million in compensation. Why so high? During the three-week trial, witness after witness depicted a culture of vulgarity and arrogance that they said humiliated female employees and put patients at risk.

No contraception for employees and no abortions at Mercy General, which is run by seven religious orders. But you can get all the sexual harassment you want. And for that, they can Bite Me.

Former Physician’s Assistant Awarded Record $168 Million In Lawsuit – Careers Articles.

Timothy Cardinal Dolan allegedly going to Albany to lobby for justice for farm workers

I was glad to read that Cardinal Dolan is going to press the legislature to do something for NYS farm workers (discrimination against them is enshrined in NYS law).

But other than the Daily News article, I cannot find any other reference to his efforts on the Web. I even checked the Archdiocese’s website. Nada. But the Cardinal’s objections to the healthcare law are featured on his home page.

Did the Daily News make this up? Is the Cardinal suddenly shy about his good works? Inquiring minds want to know.

Timothy Cardinal Dolan and his fellow bishops labor for justice for farm workers – NY Daily News.

10 Catholic Teachings Conservatives Reject While Obsessing About Birth Control

“The right wing Republican politicians who have been denouncing the requirement that female employees have access to birth control as part of their health benefits as an attack on religious freedom completely ignore the church teachings they don’t agree with. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are both Catholics, and wear their faith on their sleeves, but they are hypocritical in picking and choosing when they wish to listen to the bishops.”

Sent to us by MrMild, via carrier pigeon Pringle Pigeon. See 10 Catholic Teachings Conservatives Reject While Obsessing About Birth Control | | AlterNet.