Rev. Franklin Graham is very confused

Billy Graham’s boychik is a very confused fellow. Sometimes he thinks Obama is a Muslim, but sometimes not. Sometimes he thinks Romney’s a Christian, but sometimes not.

Graham says he doesn’t know if Obama is a Christian, because it depends on what’s in Obama’s heart. But Graham knows that Santorum is a Christian because he spoke to Santorum and he got a good feeling about him.

Until Graham gets straightened out, he can just Bite Me.


Gingrich: most dangerous presidential candidate in American history

We’ve been watching the race between Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for who will be the biggest asshole in the Republican field. Just when Rick has started to gain ground, Newt pulls one out of his ass and reclaims the lead, by calling President Obama the “most dangerous president in modern American history.” Way to go, Newt! We’re rooting for you.

Gingrich: Obama is most dangerous president in American history – Fox News.

Nutty Indiana lawmaker condemns ‘radicalized’ Girl Scouts

These nut jobs are popping up everywhere. Today’s example, Bob Morris from Ft Wayne, read some stuff on the Web and his head exploded. Same thing happens to me sometimes, but I’m not responsible for making laws for a state. Geez, Bob, get a grip!

Ind. Lawmaker Condemns ‘Radicalized’ Girl Scouts – Cincinnati News Story – WLWT Cincinnati.

and see Verbatim text of letter from Indiana state Rep. Bob Morris, R-Fort Wayne, to fellow lawmakers.

Rasmussen manipulates poll to “prove” unpopularity of Obama contraception policy.

You can get pretty much any poll result you want if you frame the question right. Here’s what the Miami Herald said about a recent Rasmussen poll:

“Overall, Rasmussen found, 50 percent of all likely voters opposed Obama’s mandate, while only 39 percent agreed. The poll’s wording is key. It asked people whether they supported the requirement even though it ‘violates deeply held beliefs of some churches.'”

Rasmussen can — you guessed it — Bite Me!

via Contraception becomes campaign fodder – Marc Caputo –

New medical technology that might actually be useful

Diane Mastrull: Firm logs instant feedback on doctor visits

New device gets patient feedback after doctor visit.

Did you understand what the doctor said? Do you need a follow-up appointment? Will you have trouble following the treatment plan?

These are the kinds of questions that machines like this can ask patients after they see the doctor. The answers could save us tons of money — and save your life.

MrMild is gonna love this. He’s the one who came up with the idea of using a hand-held scanner to scan the hospital patient’s wristband and medication to see if they match. And that was years before the Feds started promoting its use.