Working Families Party twisted Cuomo’s arm, now he twists back

Before endorsing Andrew Cuomo for reelection as New York State Governor, the union-backed Working Families Party made him promise to support campaign finance reform and an increased minimum wage. They even made him pledge to help elect more Democrats — members of his own party! — to the state senate.

But, like his buddy across the Hudson, Chris Christie, Cuomo doesn’t take lightly to being pushed around. He has formed his own party, cynically named the Women’s Equality Party. And he’s campaigning hard to get voters to pull the lever for him on that ballot line instead on the Working Families line.

Why would Cuomo care?

Under New York State law, if the Women’s Equality Party racks up 50,000 votes for Cuomo and the Working Families Party does not, the WFP loses their “qaulified party” status and their automatic ballot access. Wikipedia explains the consequences:

For statewide and special elections, automatic ballot access means that no petitions have to be filed to gain access to a ballot line, and party organizations can endorse candidates through their own conventions (this does not apply to legislative candidates, who still must petition onto the ballot regardless of party endorsement, but are only required to collect a third of the signatures required of non-qualified parties). Qualified parties also are the only parties eligible to hold primary elections. In addition to determining whether they automatically qualify for the next 4 years, this also determines the order on the ballot.

Cuomo claims “The Women’s Equality Party — women’s equality agenda — is something that’s very important to me.” He may be better than The Other Guy, but he’s still full of shit.

Cuomo: Women’s Equality line isn’t about punishing Working Families Party – NY Daily News.

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