Republicans Reveal that Entire Presidential Race was a Prank

“In an April Fool’s Day announcement that took the political world by storm, the Republican Party revealed today that its entire presidential race had been an elaborate prank. . . .

“Texas Governor Rick Perry said he worried that ‘every time I screwed up at a debate people would figure out I was pulling their legs,’ but added, ‘The American people seemed to accept the idea that a Governor of Texas could be a blithering idiot.’

“When one reporter mentioned that Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) was not at the press conference, a sudden silence fell over the gathering.

“ ‘Did anyone ever tell Ron this was supposed to be a prank?’ Mr. Romney asked.  ‘Holy cow, maybe he’s really serious.’ ”

Apparently I’ve been wasting my time making fun of these guys when, all along, the joke was on me. I’m so embarrassed.

Republicans Reveal that Entire Presidential Race was a Prank « Borowitz Report.

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