Jewish parochial schools in Brooklyn don’t meet state and federal education requirements

‘Under New York state and federal regulations, all New York schools, public and private, are required to offer “equivalency of instruction” in basic general subjects such as American history and math. . . .

‘More than a dozen parents, teachers and students told New York that many of Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish schools fall shy of even that narrow requirement, offering only an hour or two a day of pro-forma instruction for general subjects, if any.

‘ “There are a number of schools which have absolutely no pretenses of it — kids from 3-years-old to 18 have no secular education at all, ” said Zalman Alpert, a librarian at Yeshiva University and an expert on the Orthodox community. ‘

Read the article and you’ll find that Bloomberg’s Department of Education, which, under the law, regulates parochial schools, makes no effort to ensure that Jewish parochial school students get an adequate education.

via English is Absent and Math Doesn’t Count at Brooklyn’s Biggest Yeshivas – New York.

3 thoughts on “Jewish parochial schools in Brooklyn don’t meet state and federal education requirements

  1. The saga continues:
    “In a Dec. 8 letter veteran civil rights attorney Norman Siegel, writing on behalf of the nonprofit Yaffed, asked officials to investigate complaints of charedi and black-hat yeshivas [i.e., Orthodox Jewish religious schools] providing boys with barely any secular education.”

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