Why all true Americans hate Pope Francis

Pope Francis When Pope Francis goes around comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable, it just gets my goat. Like any patriotic American, I believe in the American Dream of wealth and fame. If we could just give free enterprise a real chance in this country, we would all be rich like Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian. But Francis wants jack-booted thugs to seize our homes and give them away to the lazy Mexicans who have already taken all our jobs. He’s probably not even a Catholic. Remember how he washed the feet of that Muslim girl? Would a real Catholic do that? I don’t think so. I heard he’s not even Italian. Weird, isn’t it? If you don’t believe me, listen to Alex Jones’s radio program.

3 thoughts on “Why all true Americans hate Pope Francis

  1. This just in from MrMild:

    “The same people who gave us Obama gave us this pope…He is a wolf in pope’s clothing…A danger to the world.”
    — radio host Michael Savage

    “He wants to be a modern pope. All he needs is dreadlocks and a dog with a bandana and he could be on Occupy Wall Street.”
    — Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld

    “Part of the globalist plan to destroy the world and usher in a one-world government.”
    — radio host Alex Jones

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