Cool new tech could allow Verizon to spy on you and serve you more relevant ads, improve the user experience

Santa may know if you’ve been good or bad, but Verizon has filed a patent application for a system that will watch you in your home and deliver targeted ads, based on what you’re doing, what you look like, and what you sound like.

Verizon Files Patent For DVR That Watches Viewers, Delivers Targeted Ads Based On What It Sees.

The application

One thought on “Cool new tech could allow Verizon to spy on you and serve you more relevant ads, improve the user experience

  1. “News leaked yesterday, June 5, that the U.S. government had been obtaining Verizon’s phone records for years through a secret court order and that the government has been monitoring business phone calls both nationally and internationally. ”

    So, if Verizon can watch you in your home, and the government monitors Verizon’s network, then the government can watch you in your home.

    Boy, THAT’S going to improve my user experience.

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