Conservative spurns Obamacare and insurance — but blames Obama now that he’s going broke and blind

Luis Lang is a smoker and diabetic who doesn’t believe in health insurance. But now that he’s going blind he suddenly wants in. His wife, Mary, whines “He should be at the front of the line because he doesn’t work and because he has medical issues. We call it the Not Fair Health Care Act.”

Hey, Luis, why would you want to submit yourself to those Death Panels anyway? Stand up, be a man, pay your own way, don’t mooch off the taxpayers. And, lastly, Bite Me!

Source: Conservative spurns Obamacare and insurance — but blames Obama now that he’s going broke and blind

One thought on “Conservative spurns Obamacare and insurance — but blames Obama now that he’s going broke and blind

  1. Latest news on Luis Lang:

    ‘ The 49-year-old South Carolina man who garnered attention — and thousands of dollars in donations — after revealing his medical issues online is now supporting the Affordable Care Act and turning away from the GOP, Think Progress reported.

    ‘ “Now that I’m looking at what each party represents, my wife and I are both saying, ‘Hey, we’re not Republicans!’” Luis Lang said, adding that he wants to rip his voting registration card up on national television to confirm his change of political affiliation.’

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