Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas both march in Paris

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas were among the leaders attending, as were top representatives of Russia and Ukraine.

“We are all Charlie, we are all police, we are all Jews of France,” Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared on Saturday, referring to the victims of the attacks that included employees at Charlie Hebdo, shoppers at a kosher grocery and three police officers.

Tomorrow: Lion lies down with lamb.

via National Unity March In Paris Draws World Leaders And Crowd Of Over A Million.

Robots will raise your taxes

The University of Maryland is using the ‘deep learning’ technique to teach robots how to cook. The researchers at the university gathered data from 88 YouTube cooking videos and turned it into cooking commands the robot can execute.

Good news: Robots will soon be cooking your food, the chain restaurants will save money, and the robot manufacturers will make out like crazy.

Bad news: We’ll be taxed to support the chefs and cooks that the robots will put out of work.

Robots learn how to cook with YouTube videos  – NY Daily News.

If you die at NY Presbyterian Hospital, your family will get to see it on TV!

NY Presbyterian is offering a new service to families of people who die in their facility. Thanks to recent technological advances, a family can now watch their loved one’s death throes on television. No DVD player is needed because it will be shown on regular broadcast TV.

‘I saw my husband die’: TV show featuring Dr. Oz broadcast patient’s death without permission.